Monday, August 5, 2013

SuperMom Tag

SuperMom Tag 

 I snagged up this fun little tag from Renae and her blog called Launderlife .

1.  How many kids do you have/what age(s)? 
 I have two amazing little babies, Mason and Madilynn, born December 28, 2012 -- so they are a little over 7 months old.

2.  Do you feel like you have it "all together" everyday? Cleaning/laundry/beauty/etc?
Absolutely not. That's just silly. My world has been a whirlwind since December 27, 2012 when I was told to go to labor and delivery because my blood pressure was elevated. My cleaning schedule is if it’s dirty, clean it real quick. Vacuuming and steam moping my kitchen/hallway/bathroom tile are my top priorities all of the time now that the little ones are on the floor constantly. Laundry is about once a week we’ll do a few loads. Beauty is almost obsolete. I do make time each morning to do a quick little makeup routine- foundation, bronzer and mascara are staples that take me less than 5 minutes… if I want to get REAL crazy I will do some eyeliner and rub on some eye shadow, still though, takes me about 10 minutes, max.

3.  When do you make time to shower? Day/night?
Early morning. Weekdays hubby and I both work and have to get out of the house about the same time. I try to beat everyone up (around 5am) and hop in the shower. I *try* to get out and do my makeup real quick before the babies wake up. Most of the time Mason will wake up first (between 5am-6am) and talk and play in his crib. At that point I know I gotta be quick because it won’t last long before he wants OUT! One of my favorite moments is sneaking into their room and watching them take their first glimpse at momma coming to rescue them – they are so happy and get so excited to see my face first thing in the morning.  Weekends are a different story – when we don’t have to be out of the house we take showers when they go down for one of their morning naps. Speaking of, is it Friday yet!?

4.  Do you wear makeup everyday?
Pretty much… weekends are hit and miss depending on if we have stuff to do… but again, my makeup routine takes all of about 5 minutes.

5.  Do you style your hair everyday? Or pony tail it?  
I comb it, is that considered styling? Haha!! Hair is up most weekends… I can’t deny that I’m one lazy girl when it comes to my hair– normal for me is that I like to bobby pin my hair to one side to keep it pulled back but it’s normally always down. When I want to get fancy and have a spare 15 minutes I love to curl my hair but I think I could probably count on one hand how many times that has happened since the babes have been born.

 6.  When do you find time to do your hair and makeup? When the kids are awake/asleep?
I guess I already answered that! Normally sleeping.

7.  Do you workout? When?
I do not. I wish that I could find a spare hour in my day but at this point in our lives my priority is playing with my babies and spending as much time with them as I can when I’m not working. We play outside, I wrangle two babies at once, who needs to workout anyways being constant like that!?

8.  What is your household cleaning routine? Do you clean everyday?
I would say that I’m constantly picking up and I don’t see that slowing down. Ever. In my entire life. I vacuum regularly, dishes are done everyday but other than that I clean as I find time throughout the week. For instance, hubby and I were giving the babies a bath and I took the opportunity while we were in the bathroom and hubby had an eye on them to wipe down the bathroom counter, mirrors, toilet, etc. I also use Clorox wipes on E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I should probably buy stock in them.  Anything that makes my life easier I’m all about using – Clorox wipes, our animal dyson, and my shark steam mop are LIFESAVERS!!!!

9.  Do you ever get overwhelmed with all the responsibilities as a mom?
Oh yeah. Sometimes I just totally melt down, I feel like one of the babies. But I get over it. My husband helps with all duties of the house so I am really, really lucky. I go get a pedicure or do something to get out of the house without a baby (or two) in tow and I get back on track. I always remind myself that I’m going to want these days back and then I cry out of sadness that they are growing far too quickly.

10.  How often do you have alone/"me" time? And how do you relax?
That varies with what is going on. I try to go get a pedicure or go get my nails done every few weeks. Hubby and I on the other hand try to go out, alone, about once a month. We both need it.  

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