Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Whoa, Babies!

Tomorrow we will have reached 8 whole months of being born. Interesting fact: I delivered them at 34 weeks and 5 days. Today, they are exactly 34 weeks and 6 days old. I can't believe they've officially been here longer than I carried them. Although I couldn't imagine my life without them it actually makes me really sad that I'll never be able to feel them kick me [from the inside] again.

Can I tell you how much fun we're having? It sounds really silly but I finally feel like I know them.Their personalities are out of this world. Over night they've decided they will get up from their bellies onto their booties, attempt to pull themselves up, and crawl. They are transforming into toddlers right before my eyes.

Madilynn has more of a traditional crawling technique. Mason on the other hand kinda belly flops forward until he reaches his destination. They are out of control. It's so much fun that they want to play with things and explore new things all day long.

Can we talk about snacks? I'm THAT mom now. When we go out I have to be equipped with a can of  baby puffs, mum mum crackers, baby food, toys and toy clips (best.invention.ever). I'm like, duffel bagging it UP! I never know exactly what I'll need but you betcha, I'm prepared! Their favorite snacks are the Gerber Graduates Lil' Crunchies -- the cheddar ones. Seriously -- they go NUTS! They are like their mom -- the cheesier the better!

They are communicating more and more with each other. It's so cute. I can't even begin to describe the consistent feeling of happiness and joy I feel having these two in my life. It keeps getting better. I am so thankful to have them. They repeatedly kill me with cuteness. By far, these have been the most rewarding months in the aspect of getting something in return. When they were first, born it's awesome, you feed them, they sleep, you repeat. However, you don't get the laughs, the smiles, the acknowledgement that they recognize you, the raising their arms because they want you to hold them, play with them, all of that. It melts my heart. Right now they both lunge towards us when they want to be picked up. It's just fun. I'm just madly in love!

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