Thursday, July 11, 2013

6 months -- say what!?

We are officially 6 months old! A LOT has happened since my last post. I thought I was so much better at recording milestones -- I'm not and it sucks. I'm just so busy (said every other mom out there). Anyway, we went to our 6 month check up and everything checked out great! They are getting so big! It truly blows my mind how fast time flies.

They are all rising on the percentile scales. YAY... our pedi goes over them so quickly I don't have the exact percentages. I remember that Madilynn is in the 70th percentile for head circumference (LOL) and Mason is above 50th in height. Goooooo babies!

Madilynn weighs 13lbs and 11oz! She is so funny! She really started laughing during the last few weeks. Blowing on her bare belly, playing peek-a-boo, she giggles so much. She's definitely my little sensitive girl. She gets startled easily, unlike her brother. She's very curious and loves touching faces. I tell her what she's touching and then I touch hers back. She also is such a squirmer! Bedtime is comical most nights because she moves all over her crib, I don't know what the heck that little girl is doing in there half the time. She's coming around to being more of a cuddle girl. At first, she didn't like anyone or anything all up in her face (Mason on the other hand has always EATEN UP kisses and me loving on him). She loves to give her momma smooches right on the lips. She gives me the cutest little looks and starts "talking" to me. She's still such an intense talker, she really has important things to tell me, at least that's how she looks! She's so mobile I'm just WAITING to see her up on all fours to start crawling all over the place. She tries! She's sitting up assisted well, almost unassisted. I can't completely trust her on her own just yet but she seems to be sitting up straighter and straighter every day!

Mason weighs 14lbs 14.3oz! Momma's big boy! He's consistently stayed about a pound
bigger than his sister since their 4 month check up. Mason is such a little lover. He loves to be snuggled, held, babied. He's also such a flirt. He does this funny noise where he almost gargles at people (if that makes sense) and laughs and smiles. He's more of the nosy one. He wants to know what's going on at all times and he makes it difficult on himself at times because he will fight his sleep. He sits up so well and so straight. Still can't FULLY trust that he won't topple over, but he's really close. Mason is all over the place, too. Can't keep him in one place for too long. He loves to play peek-a-boo, get tickled...he loves to laugh. Mason is the kind of baby who has to have a change of pace, often. He gets bored if we do the same thing over and over again. 

They are both eating solids and THEY couldn't be happier. In my last blog I talked about attempting rice cereal in bottles -- that didn't happen. I think I tried it twice and that was that. Around 5 months I could really take their cues in wanting to start food. My pedi said to hold off until 6 months but I finally broke down when they seemed interested in the food I was eating. They would watch us put our food in our mouths and acted like they wanted it. So, we started with one meal a day for about a week. We would do a veggie (sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, green beans, peas, etc) and they would share a fruit. Then we upped them to two meals a day -- oatmeal with a fruit mixed in the morning and then a veggie and their own fruit in the evening. They are all about food. Madilynn was able to get the hang of eating a little quicker than Mason but now they are both really good eaters. We are adjusting our feeding a little bit this week to incorporate a lunch feeding to make it 3x a day. They are so much happier eating food than eating a bottle, although we know the importance of them continuing to get the right amount of nutrition from their bottles. 

When my husband Jeff and I first brought the babies home and had decided we would put them in separate rock'n'plays next to our bed, we also decided that we would move them into their own cribs by 6 months. So, along with taking their cues (getting too big for the RNPs, rolling almost all the way over in their RNPs, sleeping in their cribs for all naps) we decided to move them to their cribs (in the same room) at 5 months and 3 weeks. This transition hasn't been all that bad, but it was sure a lot easier when they were within an arms reach if they woke up in the middle of the night and needed their pacis!

The first night I can't deny, I cried. Every single time they moved I stared at the monitor. As the days have gone on it doesn't quite seem like we are getting up less. I wonder(ed) if we are doing something wrong. So, we decided last night to see what happens if we let them stir/whine/cry and see what they do. Madilynn is a DEFINITE stirrer at night. She moves like CrAzY and fusses but eventually goes back to sleep. Jeff got up once to give Madilynn her paci after fussing for a few minutes but as soon as he walked into their room she stopped, since he was up he gave her the paci anyway (so I don't count that one). Mason on the other hand. I am unsure of how to approach him. He slept great from the time we put him down around 9:30pm until about 2:30am. He started fussing and so we let him go, then he started crying. Gave him his paci and rubbed his back, he fell back asleep. Then around 3:30 he fussed, and then cried, gave him his paci he fell back asleep. 4:00am rolled around, cried, fussed, SCREAMED. So we got him up, held him, put him back to sleep and I slept with him on my chest until about 6:15am -- thanks goodness for my comfy recliner. Bad habit, I know. But I don't know how to tell if he's teething, being needy, or if I should let him cry a bit longer to see what happens. At the point of when he was picked up he cried long enough he completely woke himself up. Maybe this was a needed vent session? Sorry. I guess what I meant by all of this is that we thought having them in the same room would be of a good benefit and we are slowly quickly realizing that we may have to do separate rooms for everyone's sanity. The lack of sleep is nothing compared to what others have to go through and I realize that little big things can throw off sleep schedules. I'm not trying to sound like a complainer I genuinely just hope we're doing the right things to benefit our babies and help them become good sleepers again.

I'll wrap up this blog by showing a few pictures from their 6 month photo shoot. How amazing is our photographer?


Happy 6 months to my beautiful babies! You guys are the most precious amazing beings on the face of the planet!!

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